Today marks a delightful milestone for us at AsyncAPI: I'm proud to share with you that we're now a Linux Foundation project 🎉
When a year ago, our Łukasz and I started having discussions on the best way to improve the open governance, we instantly agreed that AsyncAPI had to join a neutral home. But not just any neutral home. We needed to join a strong and trusted organization that would allow us to keep the project independent and community-driven. That's the Linux Foundation. The home of many other internet open-source industry standards.
It's been a year to remember. Amidst a pandemic, we organized the first AsyncAPI Conference. Lots of new folks joined our great community. Our tools started to get mature enough. And to put the cherry on the cake, we partnered with Postman to guarantee the continuity and growth of AsyncAPI for the next decade. What a ride!
2021 looks no different so far. In less than 3 months, we're seeing an increasing amount of folks joining us to change the EDA and API landscapes forever. We owed you this. We're joining the Linux Foundation to make sure AsyncAPI stays neutral and is driven by those who dedicate their effort, time, and love to the project.
And that's what it is all about, my friends. Without you —yes, you too!–, AsyncAPI is nothing but an illusory fantasy in the heads of some dreamers. This step is indeed the culmination of years of hard work, but to me, this is just the beginning. Now is when the party is actually getting started. Drop some cool beats and grab some drinks. It's going to be a long night!
Let's build the future, together 🚀