We have some fantastic news to share: we are pleased to welcome IBM as our new Gold Sponsor for this year. We are proud of IBM's ongoing support for the initiative. A huge thank you goes to Salma Saeed for her efforts in making this happen.

If you are interested in supporting the AsyncAPI Initiative or would like to know how we spend our donations, please take a look at our AsyncAPI Financial Summary for detailed breakdowns.
Postman Partnership Changes
In recent developments, several dedicated professionals from Postman who worked full-time on the AsyncAPI Initiative have unfortunately been affected by structural changes marking the end of a partnership with Postman that lasted over three years.
Despite the recent changes, it's important to note that Postman's dedication to AsyncAPI remains strong. The decision to let go of these talented individuals does not diminish the value or importance of AsyncAPI. Postman continues to acknowledge and support the significance of AsyncAPI in the industry and has significantly increased its financial backing for AsyncAPI.
Postman has elevated its support to the Platinum level with an additional contribution of $12,000. Moreover, Postman will also become a Platinum sponsor for the AsyncAPI Conf on Tour, offering a $5,000 contribution. Additionally, they will allocate an extra $10,000 to further initiatives within the AsyncAPI ecosystem.
Opportunities for Skilled Professionals
For those professionals impacted by the changes, we urge the AsyncAPI community to come forward and help them in their job search. A list containing all names, profile descriptions, and contact information is available. We encourage the wider community to share this information and assist these professionals in finding new opportunities.
AsyncAPI Conf on Tour
We are fast approaching the Call for Speakers for AACoT'24 London deadline. We encourage anyone to submit their proposals and share your expertise with the community.
As we plan for the Online Edition in October, we intend to host the conference on Wednesday, 30th October. Please share your thoughts or vote in the AsyncAPI Online Conference discussion if you agree or would like to propose a new date.
AsyncAPI Mentorship Program
We've had a few people asking if we'll be hosting our annual AsyncAPI Mentorship Program this year, and the answer is yes. We're planning to start the program around September, as we're currently focusing on mentorships under Google Summer of Code. Although this may seem far off, it will allow us time to plan properly, especially as we aim to include more Maintainership projects in the program. As we are in preparation for this, you can read about how the previous AsyncAPI Mentorship Program in 2023 went.
Please keep an eye on our Slack channel for further announcements.
AsyncAPI Bounty Program
The AsyncAPI Bounty Program Q3 is in full swing, with 9 out of 10 issues already assigned and being worked on. Meanwhile, half of the Q2 issues are still in progress. We are pleased to see the program positively impacting the community. We want to express our gratitude to Viacheslav Turovskyi for his dedication to running the program smoothly and ensuring that participants adhere to the Bounty Rules. For more details on the submitted issues, please take a look at the AsyncAPI Bounty Program Board.
Community Discussions
Website Redesign
In recent weeks, Aishat Muibudeen (Maya) has been conducting a UX audit on the AsyncAPI website and has identified user experience issues. In the audit, she proposed redesigning the website to address these issues and improve the overall experience. Please read the Proposal to Redesign the AsyncAPI Website for more details.
Marketing Working Group
We have a new Marketing Working Group; the group aims to use marketing strategies to accomplish two key objectives: promoting AsyncAPI adoption and showcasing community achievements. It envisions close collaboration between the AsyncAPI community and sponsors by strategically demonstrating AsyncAPI capabilities and celebrating community successes. If you're interested in participating, please join the Marketing WG channel on Slack.
TSC x Ambassadors
We are excited to welcome two new additions to our Ambassadors. Please help us welcome Raphael De Lio, Software Consultant at Xebia, and Hari Krishnan, Co-Founder and CTO at Specmatic.
If you are interested in joining the program or want to know more about our current ambassadors, please visit our AsyncAPI Ambassadors Program Page.
Coming in July
AACoT'24 London CFP Deadline - The Call for Speakers for AACoT'24 London Edition will close on the 12th of July. Please submit your proposal soon and prepare to share your knowledge with the community.
AsyncAPI Community Updates Newsletter - The July Edition issue will arrive in your inbox on Thursday the 4th. Ensure you subscribe to the AsyncAPI Newsletter.