AsyncAPI Docs Report - June 2023

Alejandra Quetzalli

·5 min read

AsyncAPI Docs Report - June 2023

In June 2023, the AsyncAPI documentation had 7,827 sessions and 4,203 unique users, including 2,566 new users, showing consistent engagement within our vibrant docs community.

Adding to this excitement was the kick-off of both the 2023 Google Season of Docs and Technical Writing Mentorship Program projects, further expanding our bustling docs community.

Google Season of Docs 2023 Update: AsyncAPI Projects

As of June, our Google Season of Docs (GSoD) writers have been diligently working on tasks from the cover AsyncAPI document sections in detail project. Most have completed initial drafts for their first documents, and some are already diving into their second. A select few have gone above and beyond, arranging discussions with core spec contributors to clarify questions on their docs pull requests.

Meanwhile, progress on the create 100-level interactive learning path project continues. We've concluded the community vote on our host platform for AsyncAPI Interactive Learning Paths, with Killercoda securing the majority of votes. Consequently, our writers are now fully geared towards crafting the 2023 GSoD Learning Path on the Killercoda platform. Once developed, we can repurpose this content to also share on the Linux Foundation platform.

Note: For clarity, the 2023 GSoD focus lies solely on implementation on one platform—Killercoda. Any potential addition of the content to the Linux Foundation platform is a separate task, not included in the 2023 GSoD writers' obligations.

Introducing a Technical Writing Category in 2023 AsyncAPI Mentorship Program

In our quest to continually enhance the AsyncAPI Mentorship Program, we're excited to announce the inclusion of a Technical Writing category in our 2023 edition. For 2023, the selected technical writers will document how various protocols (i.e., Kafka, Websocket, MQTT, etc.) work with the AsyncAPI specification.

We're delighted to welcome and congratulate our accepted writers into this year's program - Cynthia Peter, Arya Gupta, Joy Almeida, and Vaishnavi Nandakumar. Their remarkable skills and passion shone through during a rigorous selection process, earning them their well-deserved places in our 2023 Technical Writing Mentorship Program.

Join our OPEN Spec 3.0 Docs Meetings

Calling all AsyncAPI community members! We're continuing our series of Spec 3.0 documentation community meetings, happening biweekly on Thursdays at 14:30 UTC.

Whether you're eager to contribute to Spec 3.0 docs, or you have questions that need answers, these open meetings are your gateway to connect and collaborate with our expert spec contributors. We especially encourage our GSoD and Mentorship Program writers to attend so as to ensure that their contributions align flawlessly with Spec 3.0.

Missed our June Meetings?

No worries! You can watch the previous June Spec 3.0 documentation community meetings on the AsyncAPI YouTube channel.

AsyncAPI Docs' Hall of Fame - Welcoming Florence Njeri

We're delighted to introduce the AsyncAPI Docs' Hall of Fame ⭐ to our monthly AsyncAPI Docs reports; a place to feature particularly exceptional and dedicated technical writing maintainers and contributors!

A hearty congratulations to Florence Njeri, our inaugural inductee and exceptional docs contributor for June. Florence, an active TSC member, excels in her meticulous maintenance of the Generator Tool documentation. Her consistent, flawless, and timely contributions have made her an invaluable asset to our community.

Florence, a Kenyan 🇰🇪 engineer, emerged from the 2022 Google Season of Docs with AsyncAPI, focusing on Generator Tool docs. Of the six writers from 2022 GSoD, she distinguished herself by crafting the most documentation and automating the copying of docs from the /generator repo to the /website repo via asyncapi/generator#872.

AsyncAPI Docs - June Summary

June 2023 was a pivotal month for AsyncAPI's vibrant documentation community. The month marked the introduction of our AsyncAPI Docs' Hall of Fame, with Florence Njeri being the inaugural inductee for her exceptional contribution. We've also unveiled the Technical Writing category as part of our 2023 Mentorship Program, welcoming Cynthia Peter, Arya Gupta, Joy Almeida, and Vaishnavi Nandakumar.

In our ongoing series of OPEN Spec 3.0 Docs Meetings, held biweekly, we continued to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Our Google Season of Docs (GSoD) 2023 witnessed significant progress, with writers focusing on creating a 100-level interactive learning path on the Killercoda platform. The website sessions for June were at 7,827 with 4,203 unique users, indicating a healthy and growing engagement.

Congratulations to all members for this productive month, and let's continue this momentum moving forward!

How to contribute to AsyncAPI Docs

Did you know that you can contribute Docs to AsyncAPI as well?

Code isn't the only way to contribute to OSS; Dev Docs are a huge help that benefit the entire OSS ecosystem. At AsyncAPI, we value Doc contributions as much as every other type of contribution. ❤️

To get started as a Docs contributor:

  1. Familiarize yourself with our project's Contribution Guide and our Code of Conduct.
  2. Head over to our AsyncAPI Docs Board.
  3. Pick an issue you would like to contribute to and leave a comment introducing yourself. This is also the perfect place to leave any questions you may have on how to get started.
  4. If there is no work done in that Docs issue yet, feel free to open a PR and get started!

Docs contributor questions

Do you have a documentation contributor question and you're wondering how to tag me into a GitHub discussion or PR? Never fear!

Tag me in your AsyncAPI Doc PRs or GitHub Discussions via my GitHub handle, alequetzalli 🐙.

Talk to me

I want and need to listen 👂🏽 to all of your perspectives and ideas. Please don't be shy to express to me what you think needs to be documented first or what is missing. 📝 There's a lot of good work ahead, but you determine our content roadmap because the OSS community needs should always come first.